The Way I See Things


Mono Monday: Corners

This chess set is a family heirloom belonging to CH. As well as being nicely supplied with corners, it seemed to me to make an appropriate image on a day when many of us have been thinking about how much we treasure this site and the community that has built up around it.

No official announcements have been made, so far as I know, but things I have heard unofficially via the Blipfoto Friends group on Facebook make me cautiously hopeful that the game is not yet over for blipfoto.

Many thanks to Chantler63 for hosting this month - here's hoping we'll all still be here long enough for me to take a turn at this in a couple of months time!

Just in case, my parallel lives are herehere, here and here, and my email address is on my profile page. I've also bought a domain name and some web hosting today, though I have precious little idea of what I'm about when it comes to creating a web site...

For now I intend to keep blipping. And backing up!

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