Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother


...are there so many dog hairs on my splendid blanket?

Mr C&D's pager went off in the night for a lifeboat call out, no idea of the why's and wherefores yet, other than I had to follow him about the house turning off all the lights after he had left.

As I heard the kettle whistling sometime later (and I have spoken to him on the phone) and of course I found MY precious blanket under the dog I know he made it back safe and sound

Have spent the day sorting out the spare room, since the eldest child moved flats and purloined his bed, his old room has become a bit of a glory now has the spare sofa bed in it and I just have to  organise the spare bedding as someone's MrC&D's mother in law is coming for a visit.

Never fear, we are not making an old lady sleep on the sofa bed, although it is surprisingly comfy...the middle child will go in there and my dear Ma will have her room.

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