
Up early and out the door to meet up with mpp26, we were hoping for a good sunrise.

The sky was clear at home, lots of stars twinkling above and the moon looked magnificent shining against the darkness of the early morning but heavy cloud hugged the horizon, a bitter wind caught the sea spray and as the day lightened we could see the snow behind us lit by the sun - it was a very chilly 6C!

Today was the first day of the king tides. The sea was heavy from the effects of Cyclone Pam, drawing back ever so fast, stones tumbled and rumbled, and then out of nowhere waves came roaring in, we had to make a quick dash up the beach.

Many shots were taken and many would've been suitable to blip but its Wide Angle Wednesday and I quite liked the sea foam in the foreground as 'foreground interest', the theme for this week. Thanks hobbs for hosting this interesting and fun challenge. 

Thanks M for coming out, we had a wonderful time, I'm looking forward to the next time :)

Happy Wednesday everyone :)

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