One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

"You take one photo a day. And you post it on that day. Brilliant."
"And is there any money in that?"
"No, fuck all.
Not yet..."

They love it. They can't get enough of it. 

Are these shears? What a coincidence?! Have you seen the amount of wool on my arse? No, no problem at all. Be my guest. Shall I sing "Bah bah black sheep" while you work away? 

-tact sport
"I give each of your swans a heart, and in return you give me a star for each of my kitten shots, and we total them up at the end of the week/month/year/decade/lifetime

I swear it wasn't me. I never broke the Law. I always posted a photograph a day, taken on that day. I was not the One Rater. His IP address was in Egypt at the time. But it could have been some felon one-rating via a proxy

To the one spot, all holding hands.
"But they look like they are ready for crucifixion, don't they, a bit?"
"Not at all. They are willing to pay at least three times the yearly membership. Make sure that you keep tabs" 
-tractually binding 
They can't say anything about it? No. Shag off or I'll sue you 

Because I love the word. It's cool in English, but in French it is the best word ever. The dog's bollix. Three bad words that make a word that your parents cannot give out to you about. Because it isn't a bad word. I have cherished it since the age of eight. Had never had a chance to use it yet on Polaroidfoto. 

No way. We are all happy.

-cealed intention

Maybe some day. But it will be an act (of).  

French phrase of the day: trop bon, trop con. 

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