Last of the summer fruit

I have a few white fleshed nectarines in my fruit bowl. This one was as good as it looks. I'll be lucky to find more when I shot tomorrow. The season is all but over.

Tomorrow is our southern hemisphere autumn equinox. It marks the point where the hours of darkness are longer than the hours of light. Six months of more winter flavoured weather.

Boo-hoo! I'm not ready to let go of summer. On the other hand, my crampons and ice axes will come out to play more. I'll adjust :-)

Happily IBM did what they needed to at work. It's been crook a long time as computer performance was markedly different today. I actually did some work.

I've also done some of my website project work tonight. It's different software than I'm used to. Sometimes I puzzle over something for ages, then it falls into place.

Very late now but at least it's Saturday tomorrow.

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