C21st Gododdin

By rjevans6

In a glass darkly

This morning's eclipse was easily the high point of an otherwise sub-average day. My hunch that all those Edinburgh Park tinted windows had to be good for something paid off. A jolly time was had for all of 20 minutes as people dogged off with improvised pinholes and other suspect viewing kit. My old Russian light meter showed a drop of 8 stops between 8.40 and 9.40 or so.

Back in the office it turned out I was wrong yesterday to think we'd got the inquiry documents sorted. Another 20 fat pdfs clattered into my inbox after lunch, with uplift due at 3. CD burning failed, do it's off to the shops for half a dozen cheap pen drives to bundle up in tomorrow's post to arrive Monday, hard copies to follow. Late home as a result, with more work to do before Monday, and a paper to review for Tuesday. That will be light relief, I reckon.

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