If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Another minor miracle!

About 59 or 60 years ago I heard that in 1999 there would be a total eclipse visible in the south of England and decided I would like to see it. So in 1999 we went down to Cornwall.  The morning of the Eclipse was very cloudy and we went out on to the cliff top with our champagne and not a lot of hope.  Just at the time the eclipse was due a hole appeared in the clouds and we got a good view.

Today Clickychick and I went out to where we should have a good view of the eclipse.  The sky was covered in heavy cloud.  Then some silly old buffer discovered he had a flat battery in his camera.  as there appeared to be no hope I retired to the car to read my book.  The next thing I knew CC was hammering on the bonnet and gesticulating.

The eclipse was showing, coming and going as the cloud thinned a little.  So we took turns taking shots with her camera.  Then we set of for the Lodge where I had some hard rock mining gardening to do.  By the time we had reached Yanwath the sky was almost clear and it was a pleasant day.

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