A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

200 spoonfuls of sugar!

Phew....my glicemy index is over the limit with so much sugar!:)))

Well...here i am....i made it till 200 ....even if not with the feelings and mood i was wishing for this day!...i also thought if to go on or not with blip in these days...but i decided i'll try to keep doing what i enjoy...and for sure photography is a passion i have since ever, that also tks to blip i improved under different aspects, tecnically (a bit at least...i have lots to learn ;-D)....and also artistically, with my experiments with textures, layers, filters and other artistic tricks of PS! Soo...lets try to go on...step by step...and see what happen!..with blip and life!:)

...and to celebrate the day i dedicated myself to another of my passions, cooking and in particuarly baking...so here you have some original carob biscuits! (of course i could not use a texture...my silly passion...also for this milestone blip!;-D)
They may look like chocolate ones...but instead of using cocoa powder i used carob flour...which looks like cocoa one and taste very similar to chocolate!:)

Here u have the recipe in case u want to try them! they are delicious!!! :)

Carob Biscuits

200 gr of all purpose flour
100 gr of carob flour
1 tsp of ground cinnamon
1 pinch of salt
120 gr of cold butter
150 gr of brown sugar
2 eggs
50 ml of milk (if necessary)

Place flour, salt, carob flour, cinnamon in a medium bowl and mix together.
Cut the cold butter into small pieces and add it to the flour and rub the mixture with finger tips till it resemble coarse crumbs.
Add eggs, sugar and knead the dough, if necessary add some milk.
The dough has to be quite soft, not too hard, easy to shape into balls with hands and then squeezed and shaped as a classic biscuits. I then passed the fork on top to decorate them a bit, placed them on a baking tray and cooked them in oven at 190° for 13/15 minutes.


Soooo...tks to all blippers that look and comment on my journal, all ur feedbacks are really appreciated...and tks to blipcentral for creating and keeping up working this great community!:)

"Signore, concedimi la serenità per accettare le cose che non posso cambiare e il coraggio per cambiare quelle che posso. "
Madre Teresa di Calcutta

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