Trial and Error

By DawnC

Coot in a hurry

Spotted at Petersfield Heath this morning where I took a quick wander after doing some business in the town. Well, it was such a nice day it seemed a shame not to ;)

While the boys were having their music lessons this afternoon I popped down to see how the goslings at Shottermill Ponds were getting on since I last saw them a little over two weeks ago. They had certainly grown up a lot although they were still fluffy and cute. Interestingly, the geese were happy for me to crouch down amongst them all and the only times I got a hiss were when I stood up or positioned myself between the goslings and the geese. Other than that though they didn't mind me being there at all and in fact the goslings wandered all around me - one even came and sat next to me!

When I collected the boys I told them about my close encounter of the gosling kind and Son2 talked me into going home to get their cameras and then returning to the ponds. You can see Son2's lovely gosling blip here :)

PS - If you look at the large version you'll probably see instead the gosling that I originally blipped before I changed my mind...again...

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