Bliss is....

..... a tummy tickle, a favourite chewy, and being HOME again.

Make no mistake, I love Aunty Wendy, but I love THEM best, and Rani second best, and Raj third best.

Do you know what?  I was so tired last night, after a heavy day of Ernie playing, and galloping up the stairs to make sure they were still there, and galloping back down stairs again, I couldn't even get up enough energy for a walk.

And I got a special treat today - I was allowed to stay in the bathroom while SHE had something called a shower, and I got to have a drink of the shower water.  I thought it tasted really good, but she turned her nose up.

Humans are funny things; they have showers (which I can understand being a water dog) and then they put clothes on in the morning, and then they take clothes off again at night, and put different clothes on to go to bed.  And so it goes. 

Now me, I only have one fur coat.  It's enough. I don't need a huge wardrobe.

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