
By carliewired

The Biggest Little City in the World

Things are just ducky
on the side of the Truckee
with blooms everywhere!

~ carliewired

It's been about 25 years since I've been in Reno, Nevada. At that time my impression of the place was not very favourable. It certainly has made some improvements since then.

We had a late breakfast at "Peg's Glorified Ham and Eggs" in the downtown. Not an easy task to find a place to park but it was worth the effort. We got seated next to two young women (Kardashian wannabes)
who discussed the private details of a pre-nuptial agreement. One disclosed that if the marriage failed she would expect to receive something in the neighbourhood of half a million dollars annually as support payments. Their entire conversation revolved around money with no mention of the poor man's personal qualities. I would have liked to warn him to run away, far away...

We headed off to the River Walk beside the Truckee River in the downtown. The city of Reno has enhanced this area with landscaping, bridges and benches that encourage use of the adjoining park. The walkway has been provided with some attractive public art and access to shopping and restaurants. All along the route bushes and trees are in bloom at the moment.

I had to stop to watch the ducks and their antics on the river. I spied daffodils, Canada geese and one lonely robin. Spring has certainly arrived in Reno, Nevada.

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