
By mollyblobs

St. Peter's Church, Oundle

Another visit to the dentist this morning, to have impressions made for my implant. Although I've visited Oundle on many occasions, I've rarely walked round the town, so  after my appointment I took the opportunity for a little exploration. This is the church - rather beautiful but with an over-tended churchyard devoid of any botanical interest.

The small town is very picturesque, but I always think it has a rather strange atmosphere, being dominated by the public school whose grandiose buildings occupy a large area. There's clearly a lot of money locally, which probably accounts for the rather strange mix of shops: two butchers, five coffee shops and a variety of kitchen and home shops selling very up-market goods.

The afternoon was spent visiting Pete's Mum. On the way we stopped to do some plant recording in Cowbit, a small fen village. Much of the flora was quite dull, but we still managed to add two new species to the south Lincolnshire list!

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