Still in Heaven....

Or am i dreaming!!!

Wrote a great long blip then phone froze and I had to turn it off lost the lot.

Today we met my best friend (ex Sister in law! ) Shirley her husband Steve at Lanhydrock House. It was a beautifully displayed house but sadly the weather was a bit pants to enjoy the garden.

By the time we got back to Pentire the rain had eased so I made Shirley wear my 3 sizes to big for her walking boots and trudged her across my favourite place - Fistral Beach! We chucked her over the rocks and through the sand just for a cup of hot chocolate in The Stables at the end of the beach then trudged her back through the driving rain before allowing her to use my hairdryer to dry her clothes hair before meeting My Baby Boy at the Lewinnick for a delicious dinner.

Mr W and I popped in to the Offshore for a while to thank my brother for covering Sam's shift at the bar while he was with us and spend a bit more time with Sam before retiring for the night. Mr W had had 2 very late, very drunken 4 am last night! nights and needed his bed!

This is a little pebble I bought at Lanhydrock House and a bit of arty farty faffing on the beach but I love it.


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