
By RadioGirl

A Lovely Bunch...

...of flowers from a lovely bunch of people, 

This jewel-bright bouquet was presented to me at the party last night, along with other gifts from colleagues.  For once I was almost speechless, and everything came out a bit garbled.  But I do know that what I said came from the heart.

Unlike these vibrantly coloured flowers I've been feeling rather jaded on this windy and showery Saturday, and have spent the whole day resting alone in my own home for the first time in many, many months.

My sister called this morning to say that Mum has been having another very bad Meniere's attack since yesterday morning.  I'm not going to be able to get to Mum until Tuesday, as I have to go into Broadcasting House to clear my locker and go through my e-mail account tomorrow and then do one last day of duty on Monday.  Although it's hard to leave, I hope that my retirement has come in time to be with Mum and the rest of my family a bit more at long last.

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