Sixth Thought

Today I chose to run in the middle of the day, when it was warm and sunny. Just into Ponsonby Road, low down on a concrete block pillar which is one of the supports of a building over a ground level car park, is this post to stimulate thinking by those who see it. One of the first of these which I saw was a badly damaged version of this. So I was pleased to find an intact one, albeit with a pencilled addition.

I enjoyed the rest of my run, which took me down by the Viaduct Harbour, where the water sparkled in the sun, and the expensive boats lay at anchor, seemingly little used.

Then it was back to the laptop and more correspondence dealt with

I apologise for an absence from comments, and even much time viewing. I have had a big review to do, now finished, and all the other work has continued so I'm behind in correspondence. I'm aiming to have my first weekend for some time without work to catch up on.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: Thanks to advice from IWC and tsuken, I am able now to direct interested persons to my series, and satisfyingly, view them all myself. Find local thoughts here

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