Up Yours!

Life is cruel sometimes, I mean you give your all, you do your job and all you want is just a bit of respect and kindness. Is it really too much to ask for? What people don't realise is that we gloves are loyal creatures, we mate for life and to separate us is a cruelty that can't be imagined. I'm right....I'm always right and it is so wrong to rip me away from my soulmate, Left. I was left here, left in the rain to pine away. 

I have hugged my hand through bitingly cold winds as it held onto the handles of a bike, I've been a barrier between my hand and the freezing snow when it wanted to throw snowballs on a Winter afternoon, I have born the burn of a rope as it slid down from a tree and I never flinched from the stings of nettles as it reached for a lost ball. I'm Right and I'm right aren't I? How can Left do any of those things without me? It can't....it just can't.

I have no mouth but I've talked, I've talked a lot really. Hello, goodbye, come here, look there....I say it all. I blame the Yellow Pages actually, it made our job harder. Once that advert hit the screens we've had to do the walky walky move ever since. Then other moves slipped in...okay, phone me and loser. As hand grew then other gestures appeared too...some resulted in a quick slap from Big Hand...when they were seen.

My beloved Left, I miss you. I'm draped over this concrete post and as the rain seeps into my heart I know that you too will now be discarded. Without each other we are nothing, we are useless...we are lost. So Life, I make one last move, one last gesture. I am Right and I was here! 

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