An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

A Special Photo - Father Taking a Walk

Just re-found this wonderful photo on an old SD card that I was about to re-use.

It's from May 2012 and shows my father and his sister taking a short walk (up and back ) down the gravel lane that goes past his farm. Now 82, he doesn't walk anywhere, merely shuffling between rooms in his bungalow, often requiring considerable help. She is slightly more able, but never goes outside, now, except to get in a vehicle.

Shooting from behind might seem a bit of a cop-out but in a way I prefer it. They are heroes, off into the sunset rather than hunched over figures dawdling towards me, scowling at me taking photos.

This was taken on my not-used now little silver Coolpix. It did a fantastic job, I think.

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