Another brick in the wall

Nipped into town for lunch with Diana. Passed through one of the many 'yards' here in Darlington and in this one, we encountered some nice 'street art'. This was the most colourful and photogenic piece, but it needed something to lift it. Diana stepped up to the plate. She was suitably attired - so much so that she almost disappeared.

Lunch from Taylors. A butchers that also does a good line in lunchtime snacks. It was evident today that the definition of a lunchtime snack depends very much on where you are. In Luton, that is likely to be a sandwich or salad and a packet of crisps. Up here in Darlington, it appears to be something quite different, e.g. pies, pasties, filled Yorkshire puddings and even something that resembled Sunday lunch in a Styrofoam container. Oh, and a new addition to the menu, a beef burger in a pastry case because beef burgers don't contain enough fat on their own!

Of course, when in Rome and all that, so I had half a pig in a bread roll :-)  

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