Mad Children

The Little Misses were playing a mad game this morning involving wrapping themselves up in a blanket and Daddy's shirt, crouching down into balls and then leaping up to display their super powers. Miss E's was wind - she whirled round and round creating a deadly whirlwind. Miss L's was a bit harder to pin down - it mostly involved flapping her "wings" (the sleeves of Mr K's shirt) and running around shrieking!
Very funny!!
They broke up today finally. They went in for the end of term assembly and I picked them up at 1130. Miss E was awarded the certificate for art and Miss L got the certificate for drama. What creative little girls we have!!
Once I'd picked them up I headed to Tescos. I couldn't let the blueberry duplication go! I showed the receipt to the woman at the customer service desk and explained what I'd done. She was really sweet and said she could either refund the £3 or I could take another punnet of blueberries. What a lovely, kind, trusting, helpful woman!
We had an afternoon pottering around the house and garden. The Little Misses made a fabulous wildlife shelter for the snails they'd rounded up. It had a roof and windows!!
I had planned to go to Fat Club at about 5pm but Mr K called and said someone wanted to view our house so I dashed over early and showed them round. It turns out it was my friend's sister who's looking to move back to Bicester. Small world!
Fingers crossed she liked it. She kept her feelings pretty well hidden!
3lbs on at Fat Club. While not ideal it was actually better than I was expecting after two weeks completely off the rails. I did my best to eat everything tempting left in the house tonight and tomorrow I will be back on track.

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