
The Boss didn’t get home til this afternoon and then was suffering from Post Presentation Position (PPP) which means he wasn’t in a mind to take me out (oh CAT) on anything truly adventurous  so we just drove to the outlet and had a brief blip blat.

We are now starting to see winter sun which certainly is great for sparkles. we are also seeing leaves on the ground and warm feet on a cold bathroom floor which does not worry me at all as mine are fitted with neat insulating pads and anyway I don't have to take my curls off and get wet in the morning like people do. Must admit it does seem an odd practise and The Bossess certainly does not appreciate me helping with the water on her legs. 
I got a personal invitation today to address The Wanaka Senior Citizens Club about  “Tussock Tales” and I will be making a guest appearance at this meeting next week. Sounds like a Blipping opportunity so I will make sure The Boss takes his fruitphone.

Well better go as The Boss has to be a Chaffer again as The Bossess is attending one of her meetings (no dogs required and dead boring) and needs a pickup.

Woof as always


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