The Kyles of Bute

Today was the final day of our long weekend in Argyll. We've been blessed with wonderful weather and visited some great places. And even though the weather wasn't quite as good when we awoke in Kames this morning, it was still warm and the views over to Bute, with boats bobbing in the foreground, were a great way to start the day.

We stopped off in Tighnabruaich for a stroll and then headed off towards Dunoon to catch the ferry. But our trip still had two more surprises in store for us: this stunning view back along the Kyles of Bute; and a close encounter with a red squirrel. Tufty dashed in front of our car with a mouthful of what looked like some nest-building material, hesitated at the side of the road for a few seconds and then was off into the undergrowth. It was a brief but captivating moment.

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