The sun shines for a minute & then disappears. I'm at the back of my section, by the orchard, the hen run, the walnut tree & the quinces (!), looking down my avenue of Rhodo's, Camelias & Maples. You can just make out the dark grey roof of my house - centre left & further to the right, with unpainted roof the cottage, which came with the 2 acres we bought 29 years ago in 1986. My house was built in 1987. Peter lives in the cottage & I cook him dinner at night. The boundary ran through at the back of the cottage & then we negotiated with a man for another 2 acres behind us. So where I am standing, was once a farm, although it had lots of manuka on it, which my husband cleared. The heap in the middle is where we dump all our garden refuse & then Rod comes along with his mulcher & makes a tidy heap.

Quite breezy & not a very pleasant day. Looks like a storm is brewing ?

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