new arrivals

I went out for a short walk at 4pm, after work. Just an hour. Just about enough to justify getting a beer out of the fridge. 

Oops! Forgot I'm in Bavaria. No justification required for opening a beer.

Pleasantly warm sunshine after yesterday's snow flurries and this morning's frost. 

Some signs of spring. 

A horse galloping around its paddock all by itself - just because it can.

The ice cream shop open (closed all winter) and folk queueing up outside. 

Farmers tidying the strawberry fields - the crop will be ready a couple of months from now. I almost Blipped their tractor since it's Tuesday, but it seemed to be a rather mundane Fendt Turbomatik, so... sorry Schorschi.

The Aberdeen Angus calves got the Blip. We saw them on Sunday and one must have been very "new". The mother was still licking it a lot and it didn't have yellow tags in its ears.  

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