
By champignons

You might remember that last month the nut was very ill and missed the build a bear party, which made him cry about fluff machines a lot. Word has it that there were marvel bear at build a bear, and also you were not allowed these at the party, just a plain white or brown bear, plus the party food was at McDonald's which the nut disproves of, so perhaps is was not so great a loss after all.

Anyway, Finns cousins and aunty Jane decided to visit him and take him to build a bear for his own mini party to make up for it and because he's starting to miss his dad quite a lot. He was ludicrously excited, so we met them at the station before making our way to the outer realms of hell.... Er, build a bear.

Every time I have been there (shut up, the little clothes are nice) I have been ambushed by some kid on ecstasy professing their love and trying to aid me but this time, the time I was actually going to build a bear, we couldn't seem to find any direction on how to do it. By the time we had, the kids had found them selves the flaccid skin of toothless the dragon. 'I thought you wanted a marvel bear' I say. 'Don't you want a unicorn?' Says my sister. They hug their flayed dragons.

I am pleased.

Toothless is awesome.

Mr nut enjoyed the fluffing machine and dragon making process (he chose a heart, and a growler that roared)

Incidentally, The let it go growler demo was broken, the checkout lady said, and letting it go every five minutes. I asked her how she coped working there. She looked like she had given up on sanity a while back. Goddamn frozen.

We went to yo sushi after that, the toothlesses being fish eating dragons and all. The nut used chopsticks. He used them upside down, the flat handles gave him more purchase, and he was proud of using them, so I didn't tell him. It seemed, in fact, more sensible than using the point end. I might try it.

Then, it being Mr nuts awesome day of awesome fun, we went to forbidden planet to look at the Finn adventure time hats and .. Everything. Everything in there is great. They have an actual Dalek. They have a basement full of comics (he chose doctor who)

Then he had a tiny play in the park which was too bright, too hot and too crowded. We got the bus to show them our new house which Emma liked (she is bus deprived). she taught him to play mine craft a bit. She somewhat an expert in this area.

Mr nut declared it was the best day ever, then got upset about his dad, then spoke to his dad over the Internet, returned to being ludicrously happy and played a long game with toothless.

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