Aiming For the Treetops At Kew Gardens

Today, we left the hustle and bustle of the city and went to Kew Royal Botanic Gardens. It was a beautiful warm and sunny day, almost like summer.

We went on a guided walking tour and got to see lots of the amazing trees and plants now blossoming. 250 types of magnolias, camellias, rhododendrons starting, cherry and plum trees, tulips and all sorts of spring bulbs filling the air with fantastic scents and unrivalled beauty.

There was a Treetop Walkway 18 meters up in the air. elirin tends to forget that she doesn't like heights and small spaces when she plans, so the plan was for us to do it. It was see-through stairs and not very high railings. Whoa... We went up, took a picture and went down again without walking around it, happy to have our feet/paws/claws safely on the ground again.

Then we rode a tiny train around the whole park, and got to see things like redwood trees. We chilled in the sunshine before finishing with the Palm house and the Princess of Wales conservatory with ten different climate zones and orchids. As you can hear, a full day, and a wonderful one, at that.

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