Hey there.......

.......this is my world!

Crikey, today's Wide Angle Wednesday was a challenge with the theme being 'Up Close and Personal'. I was unable to go out and about today, there were no cats or dogs visiting the garden so had to make do with insects.
I had the Lensbaby fisheye on board which enables me to get wide and close but not as close as a macro lens which would be the preferred lens for such tiny subjects. I quickly learnt that honey bees were far to small with the flower completely overtaking the frame, moving on bumble bees were okay but a little too dark for the detail, no butterflies were gracing my garden and I waited and waited for this Katydid to come out and bask in the sunlight - I thought he may've moved on but no it just took a little longer for the sun to find him now that daylight saving has finished.
A little Katydid eyeballing us all - looking a little defensive I think!
Thanks to hobbs for hosting this interesting challenge, certainly gets me thinking :)

Thank you for your lovely words, stars and fav's for Mono Monday Frog Rock. Life has been hectic over the Easter break, hoping to catch up with you soon :)
Happy Wednesday everyone :)

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