Blaze's breakie

Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Lewis Carroll

I love his little paw pads, chipmunks are the sweetest posers.

The pollen clouds have dusted everything, from swirling birdbath patterns, to dotting and dusting the world. It's a cool yellow, my favorite yellow, but on canvas or where I want it, please not everywhere.

Dark and muggy, my worst nightmare sleeping weather these past nights. I guess it's time for the bedroom AC, but so early.

I was invited to dinner with close friends last night and drove through a cloud of swirling yellow to get there. We coughed and complained but delighted in our dinner and steady companionship. Tonight we'll go to our favorite Chinese place together. Tomorrow evening all will really be right with the world, weather cooperating or not, T will be arriving home from Chicago.

I remember an old camp tune...

We'll weather the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not.

For the Record,
This day came in muggy and yellow from swirling, blowing pollen. Only the red of Sharpie's feathers brightened the air.

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