
By tookie

lavender double

Oh yesterday's blip was half truth ...half tall tales........actually was tulip growing in a tree...but from a garden up here is truth too..that we grow ones in the ground around our yard....but one could think of them up in the trees here too...a belated April Fool's day blip yesterday.  C'est la vie and my weird humor.  Have a lovely weekend.

This one celebrates my younger bro's 59th birthday...I have three brothers and today I celebrate him!

On a sadder much more somber note...another horrid shooting in South Carolina of an unarmed 50 yr. old black man...Walter Scott.  Shot---murdered --in the back by a white police officer.  Why Why Why...I cry and scream and hold his family ...his mother cries---and the mother and family of the police officer who have this awful shooting by him to now live with.  Please please this must stop...racial harmony is just no where near in sight here...seems to be getting much worse and sickens me.  

Must now go out for a long hooligan walk to restore some semblance of sanity and to try to dwell on peace.  xo to all...Clare

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