Tarawera Times

By Megl


We have had a great "girls day", once the boys got themselves all packed up and off for a hunting trip to Tolaga Bay (about 5 hours drive) that should see them away for four days. I am sure they had enough food for a fortnight, not sure if they will be able to fit the results of the hunting in...that is if they get something.

With only two sons and no daughters, I am so enjoying having granddaughters. Today Tara has almost finished a top, we cut a pattern off one that she was wearing and I showed her what to do, she did most of the cutting and sewing, and it is looking great. Neck band on in the morning and she will be able to wear it. Nothing like a quick result to get them enthusiastic
And Keely has been busy on the computer putting together a book with the photos we took on our weekend away in February, and really enjoying making it.
There was a cooler breeze this morning and decided that my summer swimming season had finished, but weekender Sarah arrived with her togs on .... so couldn't let her go without me. And actually the water wasn't too bad, but I think this summer's swimming days are limited.

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