nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Spring into the Dales 100 km

As the chap having a wee at the arrivée* said; it's character-building.  What sort of character, I'm not sure.

My rear mud guard broke after the first 10 miles - this is entirely my own fault, and was caused by my saddle bag resting on it.  I was 'enjoying' a record (for me) 37.4 mph down to a reservoir and went over a bump at speed, which was followed by a strange noise.  On stopping I found the rear two-thirds hanging loose and rubbing on the tyre.  Pretty impressively the duck tape repair lasted almost until the end of the ride.  Now I need a new mud guard and more appropriate luggage (I'm reminded of The Luggage in The Colour of Magic - if I could arrange my saddle bag to climb hills itself and bite/eat thieves that would be marvellous).

This is me at the top of the climb from Oxenhope to Hebden Bridge.  It was a long slog but - just - rideable.  Bizarrely there was an ice-cream van at the top, but as it was wet, windy, misty and cold I wasn't tempted.

*In the toilets, not just all over the place.

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