
By PeckhamBelle

Gazing at daisies

My phone woke me up with a cheery ping and a message saying 'Welcome to Belgium'. Er, no. Still in Kent. I have a theory that it's stopped using GPS and it's working out my location based on diet. As yesterday we mostly had beer, chips and chocolate it wasn't a bad guess.

Jamie and I have got quite competitive about our step counting (using the Pacer app on our phones). I think he was secretly pleased when my phone ran out of charge on our cliff walk yesterday, meaning that he ended the day with a total somewhere around 17k and mine got stuck around 8k. While he was sleeping this morning, I walked to the cliffs and back. 3,300 step headstart before 8am. Oh yeah. There's absolutely nothing childish about me!

It is HOT here. It's odd to see daffodils and hyacinths in the hedgerows and gardens, while it's 70 odd degrees, there's blue skies above and we're all in shorts and flip flops. I'm glad I'm not wrestling Tom into a school tie and blazer. (And I'm really, really sorry to anyone who went back to school and work this week.)

So today it was rock pooling, paddling, Trivial Pursuit, photography (trying not to burn holes in the lawn), picnicing and a pint at the pub. We've played endless board and garden games, spent practically the whole day outside and have got red noses and freckles to prove it.

I'm pretending this is summer, not Easter, and it's not all going to end tomorrow.

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