Rosie and Rufus

Rosie was my very first blip redhead. I bumped into her walking the adorable Rufus just off of Oxford St. It has been a year since our paths crossed. Isn't the puppy adorable?

It seems I will be attending a very small blipmeet this evening. My husband reakons the collective noun for a group of blipper is a shutter of blippers or perhaps an exposure of blippers. I bet John C. would know. Two of my lovely blip pals are in town this evening and they will be joining Ian and I at a tiny soiree Ben is hosting. So exciting. I met with Juliette on Tuesday and it was like visiting with a very old friend. We never ran out of conversation. I can't wait to see her again this evening. My friend Peter will be photographing the event so I am sure to get a pic of all of us together. I will share it with you very soon.

It seems to be a law of nature that if I blow dry my hair (rare) I will get caught in a torrential downpour and I will be left looking like something the cat dragged in. Today I sought to trick the gods and I carried the biggest most unwieldy umbrella around for five hours. Sure enough the skies didn't open till I stepped through my front door. So there!

An hour to kill on Oxford St.

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