and on the subject of wine labels...

... I recently listened to a radio article about how the majority of wine shop browsers will choose a new wine based on the label.

Our 'French Connection' A and L had a tiny Languedoc vineyard for a few years and made THE most delicious wine from old vines.
Not irrigated so working very hard...the vines and the workers!
Goblet vines planted wide enough to wander through with a donkey (I'm sure that's right!)...not that they had a donkey but a very old tractor
And all hand tended, hand picked and hand made wines.

I was lucky enough to be there one year to take part in a bottling and work on the vineyard in the winter season.

Not only are they fine wine makers but clever clogs in the label department.
The bottle on the right (still full) is from the last vintage before the vineyard was sold...Les Camarades, for  the pickers who brought in that final vendanges.
And the other two that still sit on a shelf, as a memory, are crackers!

Please excuse the potentially dodgy French

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