Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Duddingston Loch

The past two weeks haven't been pleasant; sorry for the blip silence and thank you for all the comments you have sent.

Last week was spent in bed, with a sickness bug I managed to pick up from Grandma's care home. So after a huge amount off sick from work I had to have another week off.

This week I have jumped up the hours and now doing 7hours a day. It's hard going and every night I have come home and cried with tiredness and negativity. I just couldn't blip, didn't have the energy or inclination. My back is also agony; picking up and bending down to 2 year olds which I am not used to is taking it's toll. I usually work with the 3-4yr olds and they don't need as much physical contact. But I am going to have to get used to it as I am now permanently with the 2yr olds.

But today I got my camera back :) All fixed. My laptop went on for the first time in 2 weeks. Took a trip to Figgate Park then over to Duddingston Loch for a wander. Despite going snap happy I haven't got any shots I like so this is a desperation shot.
I came home and slept for 2 hours. My body and I are so tired.

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