
By LittleKoala

South stack spiral (200 blips!)

You never really know where you're going to be on your blip birthday, but I was glad my blip birthday happened to fall on a day when I was on Angelsey. Today I visited south stack, an RSPB nature reserve with an associated light house.

I visited the reserve the last year but never walked down the 400 steps to reach the lighthouse. The tour itself was a bit disappointing but the view at the top of spiral staircase certainly wasn't! Good job I don't suffer from vertigo otherwise it would have been a rather unpleasant trip! When you reach the top of the lighthouse tower there are great views looking back onto the mainland and also up to the Skerries. It's also very good exercise walking back up the 400 steps!

South stack is well worth a visit if you've never been before, there is a host of coastal flora and fauna including some real gems such as choughs, peregrine falcons and porpoise which I saw for the first time. I've had a lovely day!

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