Sorry - not MonoMonday....

Not this week at least.  These birds are a first for me - never seen them before, never photographed before, so I'm sorry but they have to be my blip for today.

They are a pair of Tawny Frogmouths (Podargus strigoides).  Apparently they will select a tree as their home tree, and will rarely venture very far from it.  They mate for life - a common trait in Australian birds.

I was in the Park this morning helping out with some display signs, and was told approximately where I might expect to see these birds.  I was looking around, and luckily a van load of workers rocked up who guessed what I was doing, and very kindly pointed them out to me.

Now I know where they are, I shall visit often, and try and get better shots.

There is a lot of information about them on the internet - they are distantly related to owls, but more closely associated with nightjars. 

Wonderful birds and I am so pleased I was able to see them.  Although not rare their species is in decline due to the loss of habitat.  That's why our Parks are so important. Habitat has to be provided for these and other marvellous creatures that we would otherwise lose.

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