Herring Brook

Water Music

today i heard 
the bubbling
rock wrapping
river water 
sing the
song of spring

I drove a couple of towns over to the Pembroke Herring Run this morning after dropping T at the train. It's in the small country town of Pembroke where I taught kindergarten for 26 years. The  Herring Run is a spot familiar to many in the area, one of the rivers that the herring( called alewives locally), return each year to spawn. They travel close to 25 miles from salt water to local fresh water ponds. In recent years the population has dwindled, but when I was teaching there were many silver fish darting and splashing over rocks and up the local fish ladders. I didn't see any fish as yet, it's a bit early, but I believe they are already running a bit south of here in Plymouth. It was really a glorious early morning. Raucous river sounds, green grass and the sight and songs of Red Winged Blackbirds high in the still bare, but budding trees, it's really spring!

The color of water

Fish Fry

For the Record,
This day came in cool and sunny with air fresh from evening rain. All going downhill now, but the morning photos with bird and river sounds were marvelously framed in sun.

All hands healing...perhaps even T

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