Wellington (Almost) Daily

By JuSteph

Ripening Peaches

So many blips to chose from! Everything is so beautiful right now. It's a warm day, but with a little breeze it's very pleasant. About 80 degrees. The cat and I followed the husband around the garden while he transplanted things. I, however, did not crawl between his legs and sharpen my toenails on his knee pad. I did take lots of pictures. Many of the Arbor Walk, which just looks so nice. We have an amaryllis in full bloom! The Christmas before last I had one on my table. It was supposed to have been a gift for someone but Wellington wanted it so he got it. I saved the bulb, which the husband found and planted and voila! Huge red blossoms in the middle of summer. Or spring, if you want to be particular.

But my favorite blip was this one of the ripening peaches. We had a few last year. They weren't what I would call "edible", but we ate them anyway because we grew them, for crying out loud. Even if they're not edible this year (and I think they will be) they are so nice to look at, all peachy and fuzzy in the speckled sunshine.

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