Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Another Concert Tonight...

Its been a really busy day! First Pathfinders (on my own; G still not up to things), then home for a roast chicken meal (yum), then a siesta (temps in the mid 40s now) and finally in the evening...

Went along (alone again) for the Ron Kenoly concert - same venue as where Graham Kendrick was last Saturday, except tonight we were outdoors. Got there just in time and through the offices of Geraldine again, got the front row seat. Did meet up with someone I know so sat with her and then thoroughly enjoyed the music of 4 different acts! First off an acapella group, then a rock 'n' roll band called 316, then Steve Kuban who is INCREDIBLY bouncy and finally... at around 10pm... found out that Ron Kenoly couldn't make it because of poor health, so he sent his son Sam!

I have to say, his son did him proud. Had tons of energy, engaged the audience straight away, had a brilliant backing band (including a 14 year old basist) and sang the songs his dad is best known for, very well indeed!

The concert didn't get over till 11:30 so then had to find my way home on public transport. Took about an hour. Should have walked really; it would have been quicker!

Update: Just realised I didn't check the date of my collage properly... this entry is really for Friday 1st June. That'll show me for uploading at 2am in the morning!
23/1/16 And now thanks to Blips new site, I can correct this myself, and put it in the right place! I'll finally get to record 2/6/12!

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