Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Covered in Seeds

This little guy (look for yourself) was happily scarfing up all the seed that the Grackles knocked out of the bird feeder.  He didn't seem to mind me taking his picture as I was hanging out the kitchen window with a cat on my shoulders!  

Thank you for the nice comments on my blip yesterday.  As many of you know, I think I have blipped people maybe 3 times since I joined here in December 2011.  It was fun to do something different by paying tribute to my great grandparents who apparently were very loving and kind people. Here is a little interesting tidbit regarding Edwards father: Mathew Powers (my great great grandfather) was a blacksmith and supposedly worked at the Federal Shops in Washington, DC for some man named Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.   

BTW - I was looking at Mathew Powers photo today and realized that he has a watch that looks very similar to the one I blipped yesterday.  I'm going to take the watch that to a jeweler to see if they can determine it's age.  Maybe Mathew gave this to his daughter-in-law as a wedding present.???

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