The Fire Box!

Well I'm a bit late for Mono Monday and I'm desperately trying to catch up on my blips.  But make no mistake, this is fire on a Tuesday!!

The first job for me when we walked in the door last night after travelling home from Wanaka was to light the fire.  By this morning it was glowing red with these wonderfully warming coals.

It's good to be home but we are both so sad to leave New Zealand.  So much more to discover that we're left feeling like we've only just scratched the surface.  Looks like a few more flights across the Tasman for these two little blippers.

Flickr Page - Wanaka Anzac Blipmeet
Thanks to Jen Mitchell (Newcastle Downunder) for creating this page for us.  I hope you enjoy the images as the blippers post some extra ones from this wonderful weekend.

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