Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Border Patrol Checkpoint

Very early run down south this morning before I had to come home, post the blip then get ready to leave soon for a big meeting in Tucson.  

This is what the semi-permanent US  Border Patrol check-point looks like going north on Interstate 19 from Nogales, Sonora, Mexico towards my town of Green Valley and ultimately, Tucson (and points further north).

I have to pass through it every time I drive home from Tubac.

[If you [url=large]enlarge[/url] you can read one of the the dog warning signs.]

It is 25 miles NORTH of the Mexican border inside of the United States.  The US Border Patrol considers it an extra layer of security on this major route north, from what many consider to be the most porous border sector  from Mexico into the US.

It's very controversial. Many people in our Congressional district want a roving checkpoint because we feel as though those with nefarious intentions simply duck around the semi-permanent one and go through the inhabited areas, making them more dangerous places to live.

As we speak, millions of dollars are being appropriated to build a state-of-the-art (radar, all sorts of high tech detectors) permanent interior checkpoint.  The only thing left to be determined is the exact location; where it will have minimum impact on local residents.

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