
By seathreepeeo


I'm such a deviant that I drown Oreo Cookies in milk until the bubbles stop.

In other news:  Today was the day I took Jessica for her first visit to Pre-school.  It was a roaring success.  No crying, no clinging.  She just wondered off and starting playing.  She even spoke to a little girl and played cars with her.  This is all big stuff.  She loved the garden, which they all have free access to on nice days.  She didn't even bat an eyelid when I went inside to fill out forms and watch her through the window.

Then... then it was time to leave.  This didn't suit Jessica and she threw herself to the floor, hitting the back of her head, developing a rather large hematoma.  So we had to stop off at the Minor Injury Unit to get it checked out before coming home.  All the way to the hospital Jessica wailed, 'take me back, I want to go back!'  So I would say Pre-school is a hit.

Her next visit is on Tuesday.

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