An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

May Day...

Look at that face.  Butter wouldn't melt.  This is him trying to charm me in order to persuade me to open another packet of giant sized chocolate buttons.  He'd already eaten a full packet as well as 3 large tins of Heinz macaroni cheese.  Think he's got his appetite back!

I have had a thoroughly lovely afternoon.  

Last week Alan's support worker Cameron mentioned that his mum enjoyed photography but wasn't very confident and was thinking about upgrading her camera and asked would I mind having a word with her.  Not a problem I said, so J and I got together this afternoon (she brought with her a jar of homemade blackcurrant and apple jam and a massive homemade victoria sponge.  I could tell immediately that we would get on!  ;-))) and have spent the afternoon chatting about all things photography and a few things more.

Turns out she did a photography course last year and instead of inspiring her, it knocked her confidence, as the course leader was apparently very prescriptive about what photographs should look like (i.e like hers) and J was left feeling that no matter how hard she tried, she would never be able to produce such masterpieces.  

Well I hope I've managed to convince her how utter tosh that is and I hope she can relax and just enjoy her camera again, without worrying about the end result.  We will go out together locally with our cameras in a few weeks, have a bit of a laugh and fingers crossed, have some decent pics at the end.  If not, well it's not the end of the world.  

I am also hoping to persuade her to join Blip.  She feels "not good enough" at the moment but I hope I've managed to start changing her mind by showing her some of my past blips - the inside of my handbag shot being a particular high!!!  :D

In other news, the knee x-ray result is in.  Nothing major wrong, just showing increased wear and tear of the joint.   I explained that although the pain level has decreased, the joint still feels unstable, like it's about to lock or dislocate.  GP has referred me to Orthopaedics so feel a bit happier.  Not sure how long that will take though so in the meantime, I just have to be careful.  It's really frustrating though and I am seriously thinking about hiring a mobility scooter for France, no laughing at the back! otherwise my whole holiday will be spent sitting in the car or at the pool.  

I'll give that more consideration in the coming weeks.  In the meantime it's Friday and the weekend has landed.  Woo hoo peeps, have a  great one!  :-) x


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