Up Yours Universe

The Universe continues to take the piss, but I'm standing up and fighting back. Today happens to be my true blip birthday. I first posted here exactly four years ago. I have a few gaps now, which I will fill in at some point, so no official announcement. It feels like I've been on a journey which has taken me a very long way, but at the same time not very far at all.

My bike was stuck in the office with a flat, and my other bikes have been too neglected of late to use this morning, so I was on the train looking longingly out of the window as the sun illuminated all the fresh green buds on the trees, giving the whole landscape an utterly improbable incandescent beauty. I wanted to experience the immediacy of being in it rather than rushing through it one step removed. 

The day then followed the same pattern as yesterday, ending with the frustration of a massive struggle getting a new tire on my back wheel. There must be a knack to this which I've never mastered. I almost had a Basil Fawlty moment! I did get there in the end by taking a deep breath, stopping swearing at it, and applying a bit of ingenuity as opposed to brute force.

Thanks so much for all your kind thoughts. Today was the nadir. Things can only get better now.

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