
Victoria came to help in the garden today although she could only do three hours; she arrived at 0745 hours, not bad for a teenager.
I have started weeding our largest border, the one I always leave until last. I started at the end, to the right of this picture where Zebedee and Dillon are buried, Zeb has an Aquilegia, Dillon is further to the front with a shrub to make their graves; I hoped that I would get as far as Splodge’s grave today. With Victoria’s help I got slightly further, but I have left the weeds around the bluebells otherwise I might damage them, the bluebells, not the weeds.
Victoria, as well as clearing up and barrowing away weeds to the compost heap also tied up many of the shrubs in this border. She also dug a large hole, planted a new shrub and watered it; she also gave it a name! Then she planted some garlic for me, (a little late I know,) in the already cleared small fruit, herb and vegetable bed. She also fetched coffee at various intervals during the morning for her granddad and me.
I decided that three hours was enough for one morning as I also had to go to the pharmacy in the village, so stopped work before lunch.
Today’s picture shows a very small amount of the border, which I cleared. I did about ten times this amount in the three hours. My extra picture shows what it looked like, from almost the same place before I started.

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