
By CafeMistblick

Busy MrB

This evening drove out to pick up Flash at the halfway point onAngie's ride out with Sultan. Angie told me MrB was out at his beehouse so on the way home took a detour and ended up spending an hour or so watching him at work.

Now getting to the danger of swarming time, so he was inspecting and sorting out. He wasn't able to inspect all hives but by the time "light stooped play", he had made two new "off-spring" colonies. .

I have this job in front of me tomorrow. I suspect I have a similar problem, possibly with two colonies but I may well be overreacting. Having lost a swarm last year, I don't wan´t a repeat. MrB has about 15 colonies and so the odd lost swarm is not a big loss. Last year I in effect only had one colony and when half of that disappears it means a total loss of honey for the year.

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