Apple Blossom

My little tree had been very shy about flowering but this evening a couple of blossoms have arrived to say hello :) 

Had a doctor's appointment first thing and we're trying doubling the new medication for a month to see if bigger improvements happen. If I start spouting even more gibberish you'll know why! ;)

Stella has had another good day and when I was at work my sister-in-law visited so I got a lovely cuddle with my perfect nephew. Apparently he's not so perfect at 1:30am but I won't hear a word of it! 

Speaking of Stella she's taken to this baby being on the scene really well. If she sees me with a puppy or a kitten she is not a happy girl at all. But this darling boy just gets a quizzative look and she happily lays down with no further interference.

My mum thinks it's because she's pretty certain I wouldn't bring a baby human home whereas you can never be sure where animals are concerned! I just can't be trusted with four-pawed furries!

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