
I decided it was time to give myself a break from scrabbling about on the ground in search of the perfect photo (and catch up on a few chores!) In fact, I didn't stray from the house, not even for the daily fresh air and brisk walk. By mid afternoon I hadn't even picked up my camera and was beginning to suffer withdrawal symptoms.....not really, but I feel sure I would have done, had I left it much longer! :))

So out into the garden I went, in search of a flower for FlowerFriday. Now there aren't actually many flowers in my garden, not being much of a gardener and the light was poor, as it was about to rain. However, I found this beautiful Arum Lily beginning to unfurl. I took a few images that were a little sharper, but I rather liked the slightly soft focus and flowing lines on this one. It had a calm quality about it, rather like my day, so has become my blip.

Worth taking a look in LARGE :)

Very many thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts that you have left for me over the past few days - I so appreciate every one of them! :))

Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting!

Day 41 of Blipout2015, suggested by PaulFS,  making the most of the daylight by only blipping outdoor photos until the clocks change in October.

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