
By GloryGlory

The two Ellies

Today was all about little girls called Ellie.

One Ellie was born 3 months prem. and has all sorts of physical difficulties as a result. Mr B works with her Mum and a gang of them at work decided to run the Manchester 10k today to raise money to make her life a little easier. See Here. Mr B completed the task in just under 1hour. Not bad our kid!

The other Ellie is a friend of Master Bs and it was her 5th birthday party today. A play centre affair and one of the nicest kids parties I've attended. All very relaxed and enjoyable. The group of kids were so lovely. After singing happy birthday beautifully to Ellie she blew the candles out and they all cheered; genuinely happy for her. Then they all ran over and gave her a group hug!! It was adorable! Master B chose to be manly and stayed seated at the table with Ellies older brother! Great cake too!

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